“Mark Wynn is from York, he doesn’t really do the music anymore, but is doing some gigs in September because the NME said something about him and it seems to have made people offer Mark Wynn more money than he used to get for doing gigs. This isn’t to say that Mark Wynn won’t do his best to play the uncaring pop-end – oh no, he will give it full on can’t-be-arsed – it just means that if he gets bored half way through his set and looks off into the middle distance he is probably thinking “[fee redacted], baby, good lord have the mercy: [fee redacted]” … Mark Wynn is aware that he is coming across as a smart arse in this, but he doesn’t care. He has written too many of these bio things before and they always sound how they sound so sod it… Please understand by not giving a toss I am probably giving a toss more than I’ve ever given a toss, ever. Is probably a lie. Is the end of the biography. (Is probably going to lose me [fee redacted])”